3 Curriculum Introduction
7 Unit 2 Introduction
8 Lesson 1: Time, timelines, and the meaning of cultural ecology
8 Lesson 1.1: What is time?
9 Lesson 1.2: What is a time scale?
11 Lesson 1.3: Carbon-14 dating
14 Lesson 1.4: The ecological timeline
15 Lesson 1.5: What is cultural ecology?
18 Lesson 1, Activity 1: Developing an ecological timeline
24 Lesson 2: The first Americans and Pennsylvanians: How and when did they arrive?
24 Lesson 2.1: The first modern humans
30 Lesson 2.2: Into the Americas
35 Lesson 2.3: Traveling across North America
39 Lesson 2.4: Arrival in Pennsylvania
42 Lesson 2, Activity 1: Walking and energy use
48 Lesson 2, Activity 2: Ecological timeline plots
50 Lesson 3: The Late Pleistocene climate and landscape in Pennsylvania
50 Lesson 3.1: Climate proxies: windows to climates past
55 Lesson 3.2: The present is the key to the past
58 Lesson 3.3: Pennsylvania’s changing climate and vegetation during the Pleistocene Epoch
61 Lesson 3.4: Ecological succession and the adaptive cycle model
65 Lesson 3.5: The large-scale adaptive cycle of glacial/interglacial periods
69 Lesson 3.6: What is a panarchy?
72 Lesson 3, Activity 1: Pollen indicators – climate proxies
76 Lesson 3, Activity 2: Ecological timeline plots
78 Lesson 4: The Late Pleistocene: Paleo-Indian lifestyles and the human ecosystem
78 Lesson 4.1: Follow the food
82 Lesson 4.2: Lifestyles of Paleo-Indians in Pennsylvania
94 Lesson 4.3: The human ecosystem
100 Lesson 4, Activity 1: Artifact analysis
104 Lesson 4, Activity 2: Ecological timeline plots
106 Lesson 5: A megafaunal extinction in Pennsylvania
106 Lesson 5.1: What are megafauna? When did a megafaunal extinction occur?
110 Lesson 5.2: Humans, climate, global megafaunal extinctions, and the Pennsylvania landscape
115 Lesson 5.3: Mammoths, mastodons, and megacarnivores
121 Lesson 5.4: Solving the mystery: An extinction scenario from an ecological perspective
131 Lesson 5, Activity 1: Modern megafauna case studies and research presentation
133 Lesson 5, Activity 2: Ecological timeline plots
134 Unit 2, Timeline 1: Late Pleistocene Epoch/The Paleo-Indian Cultural Period
136 Lesson 6: The Archaic and Transitional cultural periods
136 Lesson 6.1: The early Archaic Period (11,700 to 10,200 years ago)
138 Lesson 6.2: The Middle Archaic (10,200 to 6,850 years ago)
142 Lesson 6.3: The Late Archaic (6,850 to 4,850 years ago)
147 Lesson 6.4: The Transitional Period (4,850 to 2,800 years ago)
156 Lesson 6, Activity 1: Flotation
157 Lesson 6, Activity 2: Ecological timeline plots
160 Lesson 7: Woodland Period Part 1: Early and Middle Woodland Period (2,800 to 1,000 years ago)
160 Lesson 7.1: A Woodland Period overview
168 Lesson 7.2: Early Woodland (2,800 to 2,100 years ago) and Middle Woodland (2,100 to 1,000 years ago) periods
182 Lesson 7.3: Migrations of Early and Middle Woodland cultures in the Northeast region
188 Lesson 7, Activity 1: Making a replica pot
190 Lesson 7, Activity 2: Ecological timeline plots
192 Lesson 8: The Woodland Period Part 2 – Late Woodland Period (1,000 to 400 years ago)
192 Lesson 8.1: The practice of agriculture
203 Lesson 8.2: The Lenape
218 Unit 2, Timeline 2: Holocene Epoch/The Archaic, Transitional, and Woodland Cultural Periods
220 Lesson 8, Activity 1: Assessment
221 Lesson 8, Activity 2: Ecological timeline plots
223 Index
225 Glossary
243 Principal Sources